New Wardrobe 2021: Fashion Haul 1

For 2021 one of my goals is a new wardrobe that is more ‘me'. I’ve been purging my old clothes (some clothes I pulled out of my closet is from 2008!!!!) and preparing my newly renovated closet for some fresh fashion pieces. 

I will say my wardrobe is beyond embarrassing. I’ve been showing my closet purge on my IG stories (I saved the video clips in a highlight if you want to go look). For someone with a Fashion Degree and LOVES style in I was a little girl; my wardrobe didn’t speak to that AT ALL. I do believe I know the reason why my wardrobe is literally a train wreak - after having Holly I was a bit uncomfortable with my new ‘post’ figure - in fact at one point I wouldn’t even look at myself in the mirror because I was unhappy with myself. We were also living in a small apartment and I was at home 24/7; therefore I never went out and never invested in a new style; plus any extra money I had went into baby items or I would (regretfully) buy fast fashion items instead of investing in quality pieces. December 2019 we moved into our new home and the goal was ‘A new wardrobe for 2020’ but covid happened. Everything was put on hold but now that I’m 100% confident in myself and my new journey with liketoknowit; I’m finally able to make enough money to pay bills and afford my new wardrobe (in small baby steps; of course!)

For clothing Haul #1 of 2021: I had a $100 gift card to shop at Abercrombie. My total ended up at $200 so the credit card was used but I’m in LOVE with all 5 pieces and beyond thrilled about all the looks I can create with just these 5 items! Below you’ll see images of the new pieces and links to the items PLUS a few more pieces I plan to purchase soon!

* The gift card was a gift from my in-laws*

If you have any clothing brands you’d like to see me try out please leave the brand details in the comments below! I’m always open to trying new clothing brands! On a future post I’ll go more in depth on what I plan to make my new fashion style be. 

Don’t forget to follow my Instagram and LiketoknowIt page

In honor of my birthday month there will be a January giveaway. 

Simply follow on my IG, like and/or comment on all my IG images for January (engagement is key! I do pay attention to who is engaging on my platforms). Bonus entries: tag friends on my IG that should follow along, follow my LTK page & to follow here on my blog and comment on my blog posts! 

My Haul pieces plus a few I plan to get on the next sale!

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