Ultimate Stay-at-home Moms Guide for Activities!
As a fellow Stay-at-Home Mom, I too have hit roadblocks where I'm out of ideas or my child is just 'bored' of playing the same old stuff. Most "SAH Moms" have a budget set for the 'out of the home' activities but (let's be real) we can't go out to the zoo every day! Below I gave my Ultimate Stay-at-Hom Moms guide for activities (home edition).
*I will give a guide to Activities outside the home that are affordable too!*
If you're down to be creative, search around for some normal everyday items and a bold imagination add some of these Ultimate Stay-at-Home Moms Guide for Activites in your daily routine! Before you know it, it'll be bedtime!
*** Tip*** I don't do these every day. In fact a lot of these I have set aside in baskets in the top of Holly's closet. Each Day I grab out 2 or 3 different activities and sometimes I only grab out one depending on the weather and if we have appointments. I do recommend sitting these aside in small zip bags or boxes and even labeling them "Monday, Tuesday, etc". This keeps the activities 'fresh', new and exciting!
- Color Time
Jumbo construction paper, Toddler size crayons, and some parental supervision. Even grab some giant soft stickers if you want to add texture!
- Make Bubbles
Sink, some bubble bath soap. Grab a bubble wand too! This activity can be done in the bathtub, kitchen sink or containers outside!
- Bathtub Crayons or Paint
I found these amazing crayons and bath paints that Holly really enjoys during bath-time but also I sometimes will let her sit in the tub and paint/color as a activity as well.
- Nursery Rhyme Dance Party
Pandora some Children safe music and bust a few silly dance moves! Your toddler might not dance but she'll get a few laughs.
- Kitchen Items Music Class
Containers, Different size pots, plastic mixing spoons. Make some music! *Don't sit out dangerous kitchen items*
-Sorting Cardboard Box Game
2 larger boxes, some round items, some square items. Use the big boxes and cut the shape (a nice large circle) in the middle of the box. Do the same with the other large box of a square or whatever other shapes you decide to use. Then have your toddler sort out the shapes into the correct box! You can even have your kiddo decorate the boxes too! Once finished keep or properly dispose of the boxes!
- Safe Finger Paint
Use baby food (mashed carrots, mashed peas, ketchup, etc) as finger paint. Grab some jumbo paper or even use a large white paper plate to paint on! This paint is safe so if your child wants to taste the foods she can.
- Story Time
grab some books and read! Even if your little one is busy playing with blocks she is still listening to you and learning new words.
- Big Puzzles
My 19-month-old is learning how to pick up and place big puzzle pieces. Our favorite is her farm puzzle. Even if she doesn't get the pieces back in the puzzle we still pick up the different ones and make the animal sounds.
- Copy Cat
Toddlers are all about copying their best friend (which is you!). So sit and do some simple things like stack a few blocks or tap on your toes and his toes. He'll most likely pick up on the game.
- Dress Up Silly
Grab a few hats, gloves, sunglasses a jacket, whatever you find that is in the coat closets. Sit on the floor and dress silly! As you grab the articles of clothing tell her what they are. She might even try to dress you up!
- Stuff Animal/Doll Challenges
A fun thing to do is grab your child's favorite stuffed animal and have your child help the toy with an activity. For example, Dolly needs help taking a bath (no water, just a large plastic bowl), a small hand towel, and an empty mini travel bottle of soap. I show my little one how to give dolly a bath.
- Backyard Explorer
We spend a lot of time outside in the backyard. We walk around, pick up leaves, sticks, and other unique things and make a collection on the carport. My 19-month-old is too young for slides, sidewalk chalk, and its too cold to get the kiddy pool out. But when once its summer she'll be old enough for her first slide and we can splash in her kiddy pool too!
- Laundry Sorting
When I get a fresh load of laundry out of the dryer I always drop the clothes in the floor and have my little one touch the different items as I hang or fold. She loves to sort the socks into a pile and will even hand me clothes hangers!
-Little Texture Box
Plastic box, tons of different textures (large feather, soft squishy, bumpy shell, Crunchy paper, etc) use the box to let her feel the items.
- Empty Tissue Box Tissues
Empty Tissue Box and Lots of Tissue Paper. The little one can pull out the tissues, feel the textures, and hear the sounds!
I hope this sparks some ideas for you and your tot! If you would like, follow my instagram page! I post daily and even post some of my Toddler Holly and her adventres! Simply click here to be sent to my Instagram page!
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